Presenting Sponsor
- Large center placed arena banner
- Full-page ad with prime placement
in Season Program - Primary announcer recognition
- Social media recognition
- Website - primary sponsor recognition
- Social membership – 4 people
Scoreboard Sponsor
- Only sponsor to be listed on scoreboard
- Half-page ad in Season Program
- Recognition throughout match/event
- Social media recognition
- Website recognition
- Social membership – 2 people
Annual Corporate Goal Sponsor
- Large banner – front and back side of goal
- Quarter-page ad in Season Program
- Announcer recognition
- Social media recognition
Arena Wall Banner
- Wall banner (no set location)
- Eighth-page ad in Season Program
- Social media recognition
Social Membership
- Club house access on Friday nights
- Discount on club merchandise
- Discount on first lesson package
- Barn tours
Full-page $1,000 | Half-page $500 | Quarter-page $200 | Eighth-page $150
Logo placement and social media recognition included with advertising.
For more information, or to secure your sponsorship of the 2018 season, please contact
Katie Johnson, Director of Marketing and Sponsor Relations at (616) 889-3894 or email: